UPDATE!! My Shopify store is now open, where you can buy Not Drunk Enough Vol 1 directly from me (as well as a few other goodies!) EXCITING!! Again, thanks SO much to everyone from the Kickstarter, because this book is here cos of you guys!! I will be updating the Thank You page on the main site very soon, so thank you for being so patient!! You are all WONDERFUL!!
New items will slowly be added, so keep out an eye out!! <3 <3
Hey everyone!! Thanks again for being SO patient while my hand recovers! While it is doing considerably better, it ist stilll a bit slow going and a little on the fritz, so I decided that instead of holding up content or comic pages, I would be posting them B+W with one color for a while! That way I can continue to post pages and keep the story going. Once my hand's all better, I can go back and properly drop the correct colors in!
Hope you enjoy the pages, even in the simpler state! THANKS SO MUCH and love you all!!
Also want to announce that I WILL be going to FlameCon, August 19-20th in Brooklyn!! HOPE TO SEE YOU THERE! One of my favorite shows, truly!!