Posted December 27, 2016 at 04:38 am

I hope you all are taking care of yourselves and enjoying the end of the year!! LOVE YOU MUCH!!!! 

Posted December 22, 2016 at 04:31 pm

Wanted to let you guys know that I love you all and hope you are having a wonderful holiday season, no matter what you find yourself doing! Thanks for all your support throughout the year of 2016 and here's to a better 2017! For everyone! Hopefully!!




Posted December 15, 2016 at 10:41 pm

This picture is by the WONDERFUL Hamlet Machine! She does the wonderful webcomic (18+ NSFW) Starfighter!

You can see her other work here:



Posted December 8, 2016 at 05:41 pm

Sarah Stone is my great amazing sister and friend and artist and you sould DEFINITELY CHECK HER STUFF OUT!

Her website is MONSTER BOYS AND ROBOTS!! <3 

Posted December 6, 2016 at 04:31 pm

Today's piece is by Stephanie Kao, who is a FANTASTIC friend and ARTIST! Please check her and her other work out!! 


Thank you!!







I wanted to take a hot second to talk about some stuff, too! But I definitely didn't want to downplay how awesome Stephanie is so PLEASE make sure you check out her stuff. This here is gonna be a bit about what's been going on and some things in my brain. I realize that I've had this blog space here the whole time and I never really quite utilized it, soo.... HERE I GO!! 

Again, thank you for being so patient. Like, really. It causes me great anxiety to not be putting out new pages for NDE. It's my favorite thing to work on and everything I do is trying to make sure I keep doing it, and you guys have been so phenomenally supportive that you've made sure that I /can/. I don't want it to seem like your efforts and support is going to waste. It's not. I appreciate and love you all. 

The reality is that I'm learning a lot about my own limits in terms of work that I can do. For those of you that were ever curious what I do for a living, this is kind of it! I draw comics. I take freelance, I work on Not Drunk Enough, Is This What You Wanted, and Seen Nothing Yet (18+). The thing is I love doing all of this stuff SO much that I actually got really bad at telling when what I took was too much work. I think this is something that a lot of artists that I know and have met along the way also struggle with. I always think I've learned something after a huge deadline where I wreck my body and sleep schdule to finish something, and I always tell myself "I'll never do that again!" and three months later I'm somehow back.

SOOOO I guess what I'm TRYING TO SAY IS .... if you're finding yourself in the position like the one I'm talking about, make sure to take care of yourself. I've been lucky and having great friends and co-workers help me find out what I am capable of doing and what I'm not, and that it's okay to not be able to do it all. I don't have to keep working myself up into these exhaustion pits where the things I love have to slow down as I catch my breath. It's as cheesy as ever, but your body and brain are huge tools as artists (of any kind! writer/illustrator/singer/developer/programmer/etc)! Running them ragged really does us no good.

I'm cheering you all on, just as you guys cheer me on! SO TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF I LOVE YOU ok that was a really long ramble gooodobyeeeee 

Posted November 30, 2016 at 07:16 pm

Hey, guys. I know you have already been so patient with me these past months with all he KS stuff, my hand, and the milion times I've gotten sick, but today's udpate is again, not more NDE. I'm so sorry. But I've lost a good friend and companion, the family puppyman I grew up with. His name's Teddie, and today's comic is about that, instead. I miss you already, pal. It was a great run!

Thanks again for everything, everyone! I love you all. <3 


Posted November 24, 2016 at 11:50 pm

I'm so grateful for many things, but the most relevant is you guys! So thank you so much!! Apologies today's picture is yet again another righthand drawing, but my arm/elbow/wrist is still numb and weird! Trying to zoom to a speedy recovery thouh so we can get right back to the cool shit!!!

Hope you enjoy my attempts at off-hand drawing though! It's a hard practice...woof! I admire ambidextrious people. I struggle just brushing my teeth with my offhand...!!! 

LOVE YOU ALL enjoy the holidays and those you love around you!! <3


Posted November 24, 2016 at 12:05 am

We're all done!! THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! I am grateful and speechless, and also super excited!! Look forward to sneak peeks and updates along the way and I hope you have a wonderful holiday weekend!



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